Třeboň was the last great love of Petr Vok of Rosenberg and it became the centre of political, social and cultural life in the Czech lands in his lifetime.

During the years 1895–1922 Třeboň was the winter residence of Schwarzenbergs.

The originally small manor of 1366 in the centre of the town served the Rosenbergs for occasional visits to Třeboň.

After a fire in the town in 1562, the ruined castle was gradually rebuilt into a Renaissance chateau at the command of Vilém of Rosenberg. After his death in 1602, the last Rosenberg ruler, his brother Petr Vok, moved into Třeboň. In 1660, the Schwarzenbergs bought the war impoverished Třeboň and they owned it until 1947.

Visitors can pass through the Rosenberg Renaissance Interiors, featuring an alchemist's laboratory, Kunstkammer or Fraucimor (women’s quarters).

On the first floor the more soberly furnished private rooms of the Schwarzenbergs can be seen.

The third guided tour presents the castle stables, dog kitchen and a system of underground passageways of the city, called the Casemates.

The Třeboň House of Nature presents the PLA and biosphere reserve Třeboňsko (UNESCO) interactively.

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